About me

Lolita Venturini born in Spoleto Italy in a cold but sunny day of February under the constellation of Pisces, the most extrovert and extravagant sign of all. 

Venturini Artist

Since she was a child was very attracted to any form of art, figurative or assembling the most different materials or object to give life to the most extraordinary creations that take the observer to another dimension if not in another world. But this predisposition was not supported by the family and Lolita was forced to take different direction and study instead hotel administration. Not her first choice of studies but she have to obey, even do, in deepest of her hart, never forget or abandon her passion for art or creations.

Was only during the fatidic year of 2015/6, due to terrible family losses and turbulent marital life that she decided to revisit her first love for art in all form, figurative, sculptural or assembling different materials, letting her imagination and creativeness run wild and wide, open to new experiment and sensation in life, in few words she chance life style, from a captive to free bird.    

Her new live stile broth her to participate to different art expositions, first in her natal city of Spoleto during the world famous “Festival dei Due Mondi” with the help of  “La Bottega dell’Arte” and also the “Spoleto Art Festiva” and, “Art in the city” consequently she brought her art in central Italy in different cities like: Terni, Orvieto, Perugia, Leonessa, Bevagna, Città Di Castello, Spello and in Todi with personal exhibition. She exposed in Firenze (Palazzo del Pegaso) to the “Leonardo – maestro, genio e regolatezza” presenting a painting “Reminiscenze umbre in Leonardo” inspired  by the poetry of  “Professor Franco Leone”. Recently, in “Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG)” she got a first price on a painting exhibition over one hundred participant. But is in “Biennale di Milano 2021” an International Art Meeting where she gain the appellative of “IPERMATERICA” from the art critics especially Mr. Vittorio Sgarbi”. 

In 2022 she participated in 2 different symposium for Margherita Hack (the astrologer) first in  Milano, later in Anghiari. Furthermore, she exposed her works in different central Italy locations included the most important one, in July, organized by the “Spoleto Art Factory” of art curator Salvo Nugnez with Vittorio Sgarbi during the “Festival of Spoleto”. From the 30th of September until the end of October, was present on the “Milano Art Gallery” with 2 most intriguing creation, for the event called “Tradicion. On the 5th of November she was awarded the “Premio Frida Kahlo” at “Storico Palazzo delle Arti” in Bassano del Grappa.

Furthermore, she have a cooperation with the Art Gallery “Bonbonniėre” in SanRemo (IM) Italy run by Madame Giulietta Calzini.

The most representative world to describe the technical way of work, the stile and the use of materials by the artist Venturini Lolita is surly “ALTERNATIVE”

Alternative is the way of utilization from the brush to the toothpick, from the hands to the fire.

Alternative are the support used, from the classic canvas, to wood panels, cartons, plastic, glass, sheet metalsand, stones etc. etc.

Alternative are also the materials used, the acrylic is abundantly used, but also coffee, different pastes and resins. In the most recent works she have been experimenting with success the utilization of polyester, plastic and carbon fiber to give forms e colors to creations to be defined between paintings and sculptures ….. “Materic or Ipermateric”